Thursday, 6 June 2013

Mobile Phone Etiquette

The policy for use of mobile phones has just been updated and I have copied the policy in its entirety below:

Mobile phones are permitted in the College – in fact, they are encouraged if used appropriately. Many pupils use their phones to collect school emails, photograph notes or record their prep. This is fine, but always seek your teacher’s approval to use them in lessons or have a clearly defined arrangement for classroom use.
The following rules for etiquette were decided following discussions with the Student Council and Senior Staff.
·       Phones are to be kept on silent mode.
·       Phones are to be kept discreet. You may check or send emails but not in public places. Pupils are not to be walking around the school texting and emailing.
·       You are not to use phones for verbal communication in public before 6.30pm.
·       Use of phones in any way during a lesson must be with the permission of the teacher.
·       Be aware of inappropriate use of mobile or any electronic technology. You are well versed in what is acceptable and what is not. Misuse of technology can lead to very serious consequences. If in doubt, read the Shiplake Cyber-bullying policy on the College website.
Inappropriate use of a phone in lessons or around school may result in punishment and the phone being confiscated and given to Reception where it will be locked away for a specific duration.
Use your phones wisely. Have respect for others.