Tuesday 29 April 2014

Drugs Awareness for Year 9 Parents

From the head of PSHE:

I am writing to invite you to the Year 9 Pastoral Parents Meeting on Saturday 17 May. The boys will be listening to a talk by Mr Bob Tait, a specialist in drug education, which he will be repeating for parents at 11am.  The itinerary for the morning is as follows:
9.30am          Lecture to boys in the Old Vikings Room (the room off the Great Hall)
11am             Bob Tait Lecture to parents in the Old Vikings Room
12.15pm        Meetings over lunch in Houses, to discuss adolescent issues such as parties, alcohol, smoking, computer games etc.  (House staff will collect you from the OVR.)

I do hope that you will be able to come to this important pastoral occasion and would ask that you email Mrs Sue Arpino, the school secretary, so that we can organise catering and seating; her email is sarpino@shiplake.org.uk.